Malta Fireworks 2024

The People Of These Islands Are Captivated And Enchanted With Malta Fireworks. Enjoy Them While You Are Here

Date Last Updated: 1st May 2024

Malta fireworks are part of the Maltese culture traditions. We celebrate at least 102 village feasts in our towns and village to the patron saint of each locality. It is a very old tradition linked with traditional religious ties over the last four centuries. It is also part of our character to expose our desire to celebrate and not the least with lots of noise.

We compete in all aspects between villages and band club with pyrotechnic capabilities. So much money is spent every year on fireworks displays with a spectacle of colours spread over various days of the week before the actual feast day.

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Lija streets decorated during its feast.

Malta International Fireworks Festival 2024

The Malta International Fireworks Festival is an yearly event organised by the Ministry for Tourism and Malta Tourism Authority. This fireworks performance takes place towards the end of April to commemorate Malta's accession to the European Union on 1st May 2004. This events takes place at a number of locations including the Valletta's Grand Harbour.

The Malta International Fireworks Festival is held with the participation of local and foreign pyrotechnic companies from all five continents. It is one of the main attractions in Malta with a spectacle of colours display in Malta’s magnificent Grand Harbour and other locations around the islands.

The event is FREE of charge and anyone can attend.

details about the malta international firework festival

  • Date: Saturday 20th April 2024 at Valletta
  • Date: Wednesday 24th April 2024 at Valletta
  • Date: Friday 26th April 2024 at Marsaxlokk
  • Date: Saturday 27th April 2024 at Nadur Gozo
  • Date: Sunday 28th April 2024 at Mellieha
  • Date: Tuesday 30th April 2024 at Valletta - Postponed to Friday 3rd May at the Grand Harbour Valletta

Ground Fireworks

The villages are renowned to let off fantastic aerial and ground fireworks late in the evening after the local bands perform their musical programs at the main square of the village. An occasion not to miss this unique Maltese cultural and traditional way of celebrating their village saint feast.

Ground fireworks at Zebbug square Malta.

Malta Village Feasts Fireworks Tour 2023

Witness the unforgettable Maltese experience at a Maltese Village Fireworks Tour in Malta. The streets and church are lit up beautifully, and the brass band is playing music while special sweets are being served.

On your way to the festa village, your English-speaking guide will tell you about places of interest along the way. Visit the parish church, which is beautifully decorated for the occasion, when you arrive in the village.

Afterward, stroll through the crowded village streets lined with stalls selling traditional festa sweets and take in the unique festa atmosphere.

While the marching village brass bands fill the air with music, the traditional Giggifogu is often staged before the fireworks display. Giggifogu is a whirl of light and colors, created by flares on spinning wheels.

what is included

  • Getting picked up and dropped off at your hotel.
  • An English-speaking guide who is licensed and local.
  • Any snacks and beverages are NOT included with the price.

Details about the malta fireworks tour 2023

  • Tour will last for 6 hours.
  • The tour will start at 19:30 (07:30 pm).
  • The language of the tour is in English.

Tour to be available later this year.

Tickets purchased are refundable up to 24 hours before tour date
Secure your Spot by Reserving It and Paying Later

Malta Fireworks History

The fireworks display goes back to the time of the Order of the Knights of St. John. They specialized in this tradition as it was one of the times used in those days.

They used to fire canon shots and musketerija. These were called pyrotechnics at the time. They were used to be fired to celebrate the arrival of a Knight, or the arrival of a new born to an important European family, or when a new pope was elected and the celebration of St. John’s feast the patron saint of the Knights of Malta. 

By time this evolved into the fireworks of today, which are let out from rooftops together with the rotating wheel which let out rotating multi-colour fireworks. We call this jigjifogo.

Today many enthusiasts work in their village small factories manufacturing petards all year round for the village feasts. Unfortunately it is a dangerous hobby as many accidents and explosions have occurred but the enthusiasm remains.

The villagers will not enjoy their feast without Malta fireworks. They are awesome to watch. See our calendar of feast days in Maltese with exact days of the feast or an indicative calendar for the month when the feast occurs for each individual month.

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