Holy Week In Malta

Traditions, Liturgical Functions & Processions

Holy Week in Malta is a time of deep spiritual reflection and devotion, marking the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this guide, we will take you through the key events of Holy Week in Malta, from religious rituals to a complete schedule of liturgical functions on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

This spiritual time is one of the most sacred periods in the Catholic calendar, observed with centuries-old traditions, solemn processions, and elaborate liturgical ceremonies across the islands. Holy Week forms part of Lent, the 40-day period of fasting, prayer and penance which begins on Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday.

A Good Friday Statue during the procession in Valletta Malta.Good Friday Statue - When Veronica Wiped the Face of Jesus With Her Veil

Nota: Din il-paġna ssir bl-Ingliż peress li hija mmirata għat-turisti li jiġu Malta għall-ġimgħa Mqaddsa. Jekk il-bini ta' paġna bil-Malti jidher ta' benefiċċju, jekk jogħġbok għarrafna.

What You Find In The Holy Week In Malta Guide

What are the dates of Holy Week for 2025?

  • For this year, Holy Week will fall from Sunday 13th April to Saturday 19th April 2025.

What Is Holy Week?

Holy Week is the week before Easter Sunday, beginning with Palm Sunday. It ends with Holy Saturday. Easter is not part of Holy Week, but rather the beginning of the Easter season of the Liturgical year.

Holy Week In Malta Functions Schedule

We have compiled two tables, one for Malta and another for Gozo, detailing the times of the liturgical functions taking place during Holy Week, most especially Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

📌 Easy Navigation: The tables are mobile-friendly, allowing you to scroll left and right to view the schedule seamlessly.

📌 Alphabetical Order: Both tables are arranged in alphabetical order by village name making it easier for you to find your preferred village.

📌 Comprehensive Coverage: The data gathered here has been done as best as possible ensuring we provide accurate details for all functions and ensuring you have access to all information in one place.

📌 Accuracy Matters: If you encounter any errors or updates, we would greatly appreciate it if you could write to us so that we could update it.

🛑 Note: Although we conducted intense research to ensure accuracy, we highly recommend that you double-check the times before attending, as last-minute changes may occur.

Liturgical Functions Schedule For Malta

The following table includes the schedule of liturgical functions only for the island of Malta.

VillageFeastMaundy ThursdayGood FridayHoly Saturday
BalzanThe Annunciation18:0015:0020:00
BirguSt. Lawrence, Levita u Martri18:0015:3020:00
BidnijaHoly Family18:3015:00N/A
BirkirkaraSt. Joseph the Worker18:3015:0020:00
BirkirkaraSt. Helen18:3015:0020:00
BirkirkaraAssumption of Mary18:3015:0020:00
BirkirkaraSanta Tereza tal-Bambin Gesu18:3015:0020:00
BirkirkaraSt. George Preca18:3015:0020:00
BirkirkaraSt Francis of Assisi18:3015:0020:00
BirkirkaraSacred heart of Jesus - St. Aloysius Colleges19:0015:0020:00
BirkirkaraSt. Paul - Latin17:0010:0017:00
BirżebbuġaSan Pietru fil-Ktajjen19:0015:0020:00
BormlaImmaculate Conception18:3015:0020:00
BormlaSt. Therese of Jesus18:3015:0020:00
BurmarradSacred Heart of Mary18:3015:0020:00
BuskettSt. Anthony the Abbot19:0015:0020:00
DingliAssumption of Mary18:0015:0020:00
FguraOur Lady of Mount Carmel18:3015:0020:00
FlorianaSt. Publius19:0015:3020:00
FlorianaImmaculate Conception - Ta' Sarria - English19:3015:3020:00
FlorianaHoly Cross18:3015:0020:00
Fleur-De-LysOur Lady of Mount Carmel18:3015:0020:00
GharghurSt. Bartholomew the Apostle18:1515:0020:00
GhaxaqAssumption of Our Lady18:3015:0020:00
GudjaAssumption of Our Lady18:3015:0020:00
GwardamangiaOur Lady of Fatima19:0015:0020:00
GwardamangiaOur Lady of Sorrows18:0015:0020:00
GwardamangiaOur Blesses Virgin of Loreto18:0015:0020:00
GziraOur Lady of Mount Carmel18:0015:0020:00
HamrunImmaculate Conception18:3015:0020:00
HamrunSan Gaetan18:3015:3020:00
HamrunSt. Francis of Assisi18:3015:0021:00
IbragImmaculate Conception18:3015:0020:00
IslaNativity of Mary18:3015:0020:00
IslaOur Lady of Safe Havens18:3015:3020:00
IklinHoly Family18:0015:0020:00
KalkaraSt. Joseph18:3015:0020:00
KirkopSt. Leonard of Abbot18:3015:0020:00
LijaTransfiguration of Jesus18:3015:0020:00
LijaBlessed Virgin (Tal-Mirakli)17:3015:0020:00
LuqaSt. Andrew18:3015:0020:00
LuqaArmed Forces of Malta18:30N/A09:30
MdinaSt. Paul18:3015:3020:00
MdinaAnnunciation of Our Lady18:0015:0020:00
MdinaSt. Peter's Monastery18:0015:0020:00
MelliehaNativity of Mary18:3015:0020:00
MelliehaSt. Joseph18:3015:0020:00
MgarrAssumption of Our Lady18:3015:0020:00
MqabbaAssumption of Our Lady18:3015:0020:00
MsidaSt. Joseph19:0015:0020:00
MsidaSt. Thomas More - University of Malta19:0015:0020:00
MarsaskalaSt. Anne18:3015:0020:00
MarsaskalaHoly Rosary - Tal- Barunissa19:0015:0020:00
MarsaHoly Trinity18:3015:0020:00
MarsaMary Queen of Heaven18:3015:0020:00
MarsaxlokkOur Lady of Pompeii18:3015:0020:00
MarsaxlokkOur Lady of Snows (Our Lady Tas-Silg)18:0015:0020:00
MostaAssumption of Our Lady18:3015:0020:00
MostaOur Lady of Mount Carmel16:3015:0019:30
MostaPastoral Centre St. Andrew17:0015:00N/A
MostaMary Mother of the Church - Ta' Mlit19:0015:3020:00
MtarfaSaint lucy18:3015:0020:00
NaxxarNativity of Mary18:3015:0020:00
NaxxarDevine Mercy18:0015:0020:00
NaxxarHoly Family19:0015:0020:00
PacevilleOur Lady of Good Counsel19:0015:0020:00
PaolaChrist the King18:3015:0020:00
PaolaOur Lady of Lourdes18:3015:0020:00
PembrokeResurrection of Jesus19:0015:0020:00
QawraSt. Francis of Assisi18:3015:0020:00
QormiSt George18:3015:0020:00
QormiSt. Sebastian18:3015:0020:00
QrendiThe Assumption of Our Lady18:3015:0020:00
RabatSt. Paul18:0015:0020:00
RabatSt. Mark18:0015:0020:00
RabatSt. Luke - Nigret19:0015:0020:00
RabatMary Mother of the Church20:0015:0020:30
SafiConversion of St. Paul18:3015:0020:00
St. LucijaSt. Pius X18:3015:0020:00
St. VeneraSanta Venera18:0015:0020:00
St. VeneraSanta venera - Old Parish Church18:0015:0020:00
St. VeneraSt. Joseph18:3015:0020:00
St. VeneraSacred Heart18:3015:0020:00
SiggiewiSt. Nicholas18:3015:0020:00
SliemaJesus of Nazareth18:3015:3020:00
SliemaSacro Cuor18:3015:0020:00
SliemaSt. Gregory the Great18:3015:0020:00
SliemaStella Maris18:3015:3020:00
*SliemaSacred Heart of Jesus - St. Patrick Church18:0015:0020:00
SliemaSalesiana Oratory Church - Youths Club18:0015:0020:00
St. JuliansSt. Julian's Parish Church19:0015:0020:00
St. JuliansOur Lady of Mount Carmel18:3015:0020:00
St. Julian'sLapsi - Old Parish Church17:30N/AN/A
St. Julian'sImmaculate Conception of Our Lady17:30N/AN/A
San GwannOur Lady of Lourdes18:3015:0020:00
St. Paul's BaySt. Francis of Assisi18:0015:0020:00
St. Paul's BaySacred Heart of Mary18:0015:0020:00
SwatarSt. George Preca18:3015:0019:30
TarxienThe Annunciation18:3015:0020:00
VallettaSt. John's Co-Cathedral18:0015:0020:00
VallettaSt. Paul Shipwreck18:0015:0020:00
VallettaSt. Augustine18:0015:0020:30
VallettaOur Lady of Mount Carmel18:3015:0020:00
VallettaOur Lady of Fair Heavens and Saint Dominic18:1515:0020:00
VallettaSt. Barbara - English18:3015:0020:00
VallettaCircumcision of Our Lord18:0015:0019:00
VallettaSt. Francis of Assisi18:3015:3019:30
**VallettaSt. Catherine's Church18:3015:0020:00
XghajraJesus Of Nazareth15:0018:3020:30
Ta' XbiexSt. John of the Cross18:0015:0020:00
XemxijaSt. Joseph the Worker18:3015:0020:00
ZabbarOur Lady of Graces18:3015:0020:00
ZabbarHoly Cross18:3015:0020:00
ZebbugSt. Philip of Agira19:0015:0020:15
ZejtunSt. Catherine of Alexandria18:3015:0020:00
ZejtunSanta Katerina Verġni u Martri known as San Girgor18:3015:0020:00
ZejtunMadonna Tal-Hniena18:0015:0020:00
ZurrieqSt. Catherine of Alexandria18:3015:0020:00
ZurrieqLaboratorju Ta-Paci18:3015:0020:00
ZurrieqKuncizzjoni Mmakulata - Ta' Nigret18:3015:0020:00
ZurrieqSt. Mary - Ta' Bubaqra19:0015:0020:00

Liturgical Functions Schedule For Gozo

The following table outlines the liturgical functions that are exclusive to the island of Gozo.

VillageFeastMaundy ThursdayGood FridayHoly Saturday
FontanaSacred Heart of Jesus18:3015:0020:00
GhajnsielemOur Lady of Loreto18:3015:0020:00
GhajnsielemSt. Anthony of Padua18:0015:0020:00
GharbVisitation of Our Lady19:0015:0020:00
GharbOur Lady of Ta' Pinu18:3015:0020:30
GhasriKristu Ewkaristiku Salvatur19:0015:3020:00
KercemSt. Gregory The Great & Our Lady of Succors18:3015:00N/A
MarsalfornSt. Paul's Shipwreck18:0015:0020:00
MunxarSt. Paul Shipwreck18:0015:0020:00
NadurOur Lady of Mount Carmel17:30N/AN/A
NadurSt. Peter and St. Paul19:0015:0020:00
QalaImmaculate Conception & St. Joseph19:0015:0020:30
QbajjarDar Don Bosco18:3016:0020:00
San LawrenzSt. Lawrence19:0010:0020:30
SannatSt. Margaret19:0015:0020:00
Santa LucijaParish Church19:0015:0019:30
Victoria, RabatSt. George17:0015:0020:30
Victoria, RabatAssumption of Our Lady19:0015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatSt. Francis18:3015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatOur Lady of Sacred Heart - Tal-Istilla15:4514:3020:00
Victoria, RabatNativity of Our Lady - Santa Savina16:0014:00N/A
Victoria, RabatSacred Heart of Jesus16:0015:3018:00
Victoria, RabatHoly Family16:0016:00N/A
Victoria, RabatSeminary - English17:0015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatOur Lady of Pompei17:0015:0017:30
Victoria, RabatOur lady of Manresa - San Kalcidonju17:3015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatNazareth18:0015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatGood Shepherd - Tac-Cawla18:0015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatOur Lady of Divine Grace18:0015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatDon Bosco Oratory19:0016:0020:00
Victoria, RabatSt. Augustine18:0015:0020:00
Victoria, RabatPope John Paul II - Family Institute - Cana Movement19:0016:0020:00
XaghraThe Nativity of Our Lady19:0015:0020:00
XewkijaSt. John the Baptist18:3015:0020:00
XlendiOur Lady of Mount Carmel19:0016:0020:00
ZebbugAssumption of Our Lady18:0015:0020:00
The Good Friday Processions in Zejtun Malta.People Watching as the Good Friday Procession Walks By In Zejtun

From Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday: Holy Week in Malta

Holy Week is an important week in our calendar where Catholics attend several liturgical functions in preparation for Easter.

Palm Sunday - Beginning of Holy Week

  • Palm Sunday, also known as Ħadd il-Palm in Maltese, formally begins Holy Week in Malta and Gozo. This liturgical day commemorates Jesus Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, riding a donkey.
  • The people laid palms before Him on that particular day, a gesture reserved for triumphant leaders.
  • It is a tradition in many parishes all over Malta and Gozo for priests to bless palm leaves and olive branches with holy water before they are distributed as symbols of peace and victory to people who attend the parish masses.
  • Before or after mass, several parishes follow a procession that carries the blessed palms and olive branches that have been blessed.

Maundy Thursday / The Last Supper

The Sepulcher on Maundy Thursday.The Sepulcher in a Church In Malta On Maundy Thursday
  • Maundy Thursday, which in Maltese we say Ħamis ix-Xirka, is a day of religious reflection, devotion and community engagement. Churches across the islands celebrate mass, commemorate Jesus Christ's last supper and also perform the service of the Washing of the Feet (Il-Ħasil tar-Riġlejn).
  • Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion prior to his arrest and crucifixion, and celebrated the Passover feast during dinner. This commemorates His institution of the priesthood.
  • Following this function, many people visit seven different churches to conduct the Seven Visits (Is-Seba' Visti) and pray. Churches are adorned with flowers and candles and the consecrated hosts are placed on the Altar of Repose (Is-Sepulkru).
  • The night of Holy Thursday is celebrated as Eucharistic Adoration, when the faithful remain in the presence of the Eucharist, just as the Disciples did.

Each year, following the functions is a pilgrimage and a Puttinu Cares Good Friday Night Walk (Mixja tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira).

  • The Laferla Cross (Is-Salib tal-Għolja) is a cross near Siġġiewi. Pilgrims ascend the hill, illuminated by torches and candles, on a reflective journey symbolizing Christ's path to Golgotha.
  • The Puttinu Cares Walk is a fundraising activity where people walk all night in the early hours of Good Friday. Thousands of people participate.

Good Friday - A Solemn Christian Holy Day

The Good Friday Procession in Zejtun Malta.Two Men Carrying Crosses During The Good Friday Procession

Good Friday is the day on which Catholics commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Catholics are joined by almost all other Christians in solemn commemoration of this day. It is also a legal holiday around much of the world.

  • Good Friday, known as Il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira in Maltese, is a day of deep mourning and reflection, commemorating the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The locals attend a liturgical function in the afternoon in which the tradition of kissing of the cross is done.
  • The liturgical function will be followed by processions in several villages by men, women, and children dressed as biblical figures, such as Roman soldiers and characters from the Old Testament and the New Testament. Life-sized statues depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ accompany them as they walk.
  • This day is observed solemnly by Catholics as well as almost all other Christians. Many countries observe it as a legal holiday as well.
  • The day is observed as a day of rest. Schools, government institutions, and shops will all be closed. Supermarkets will remain open for business.

🔗 See the Good Friday Processions Schedule

Good Friday Procession Tours

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Holy Saturday - The Final Day Of Christ's Death

  • This day of solemn reflection and anticipation bridges the sorrow of Good Friday with the joy of Easter Sunday, known as Is-Sibt il-Kbir in Maltese. It is a day that is marked by unique traditions and ceremonies encapsulating Malta's deep Catholic faith.
  • A Christian liturgy known as the Easter Vigil will be held in the evening. As the service begins in darkness, symbolizing the world's mourning, it progresses to light as the Paschal candle and the new fire are blessed, which represent Christ's resurrection. As part of the vigil, new members are baptized, welcoming them into the church. 
  • It is customary for locals to go for a meal after the vigil to begin celebrating Easter with their families.

Easter Sunday - Resurrection Day

Easter Sunday Procession in Malta Zejtun.The Statue Of The Resurrection During Easter Sunday At Zejtun
  • Easter Sunday, known as Ħadd il-Għid in Maltese, is a day of profound joy and celebration across Malta and Gozo, marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
  • Easter is the fulfilment of God's promise to mankind. Christians celebrate it as the most important holiday of the year.
  • It begins with vibrant processions in various towns and villages. A statue of the Risen Christ (L-Irxoxt) is carried triumphantly through the streets by parishioners. In some places, bearers run with the statue, symbolizing the exhilaration of the resurrection.
  • In the afternoon, families meet for lunch where traditional Maltese dishes are served, and lamb. For dessert, an almond-filled pastry (Figolli) is a traditional Maltese dessert, served with Easter eggs and a sweet Lenten pastry (Kwareżimal).
  • It is the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year, ending with Pentecost which in Greek means "50th day." Fifty days after Easter Sunday.

🔗 Check out the Easter Sunday Processions

Things to Keep in Mind for Holy Week in Malta

📌 No morning masses on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

📌 From Monday to Wednesday of Holy Week, regular mass services follow the standard schedules.

📌 The liturgical functions are held in all parishes and churches around Malta and Gozo.

📌 Public transport and restaurants operate as usual all week

📌 Most shops will be closed on Good Friday.

📌 On Easter Sunday, all functions and masses resume to normal schedule.

Good Friday Easter Holy Week In Malta.Men Taking Part In The Good Friday Procession Zejtun

Holy Week in Malta: Visitor FAQs & Useful Tips

We have summarized several questions most people ask about visiting Malta and Gozo during Holy Week.

When does Holy Week Fall in Malta?

Holy Week never comes on the same days on consecutive years, The dates and months vary on a yearly basis, however it always falls on either March or April.

Is there a specific date each year when Easter falls in the Roman Catholic Church?

Easter date is movable and always falls on a Sunday between 22nd March and 25th April. Traditionally, in the Roman Catholic Church, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox.

What Languages are the Liturgical Functions held in?

All liturgical functions are held in Maltese, however, there are some churches which hold the functions in other languages, such as English and Italian.

What is the duration of the liturgical Functions?

  • Palm Sunday: Normal parish and church mass times with a duration of around 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Maundy Thursday: Functions start between 5:30 pm and 6:30 pm for a duration of around 1 to 1.5 hours.
  • Good Friday: Functions start between 3:00 pm and 3:30 pm for a duration of around 1.5 to 2 hours.
  • Holy Saturday: Functions start around 8:00 pm for a duration of 1.5 to 2 hours. There are some which last even longer.
People doing their seven visits while sitting on benches in front of the sepulcher.People Doing Their Seven Visits On Maundy Thursday

Are Shops and Restaurants Open During Holy Week?

Yes, shops and restaurants are open during Holy Week and operate at normal opening hours. The only day where shops are closed is on Good Friday as it is a public holiday. However, restaurants remain open for service throughout the entire week including Easter Sunday.

Are Holy Week Functions in Malta Free to Attend?

Yes, all functions and processions are free to attend.

Do I Need to Book in Advance for Processions or Church Functions?

No, you do not need to book in advance. However, if you would like to book a tour for the Good Friday procession, you could do so by booking here.

Church functions are on a first come first served basis for seating, so think early if you wish like to attend.

Are There Any Public Transport Changes During Holy Week?

No, all public transport services operate as usual.

Holy Week in Malta is an event many people take to heart, as it is not just about preparing for Easter, however about feeling the spirit of faith and tradition. These liturgical functions the Maltese islands present every year, show their great endurance in the Catholic community.

We hope that you will visit one of these liturgical functions, and on behalf of Malta Info Guide we wish you a Happy Easter ✝️

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