The weather in Malta can be unpredictable since on one day you can have a rainy day and on another a beautiful sunny hot day.
Since water surrounds our islands, our climate is very warm but also humid throughout the entire year.
You can expect mostly warm weather, so visiting our island anytime during the year is delightful.
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The Maltese archipelago with a typical Mediterranean weather profile is effected by the sea which surrounds it.
Our weather, having a Mediterranean mix, is similar to that of Southern Italy and southern Greece. Our autumn is periodically wet and winters are cool, sometimes colder during January and February.
The information provided here will be of great help to you when you wish to come over and you will wish to make a weather forecast for yourself while you are planning your next holiday with us.
Here is a quick peek of Malta weather forecast for the next 7 days.
Tourists often ask us: "What time of the year is best to come to Malta?"
The perfect timing is all year round. It seems that people look for the magical moment when they can visit these islands.
We split the Malta weather page up into the four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. We answer your queries, when it is not too hot or not too cold or when there are not too much crowds.
The beauty of the climate is that during summer days there is a pleasant breeze of cool air along the shores.
Since Africa is close, during spring and autumn a hot dry wind comes along, known as scirocco, which creates unpleasant high temperatures about which everyone grumbles. This also affects Italy and Greece, but for us it is more dry because of our proximity to the African continent.
During these months we wear a couple of layers on each other together with a jacket or coat. We have an umbrella handy just in case it rains.
What to expect in these months:
Christmas time – A special time in Malta
Malta Weather December - Find out more details about the weather in December, what to pack, suggested tours, and things to do while here.
Weather In Malta January - Cold and rainy weather can turn to warm. Find out more about Malta in January.
Malta Weather In February - Very cold, rainy and windy, but expect some nice sunny days.
What to expect in these months:
Weather In Malta March time - Coolish, but start to see a change in weather. Also, day light gets longer. Find out more information about this month's weather.
Malta Weather April - A little fresh, the start of spring and perfect for country walks. Find more details about the weather in April.
Malta Weather in May - Mild hot weather arrives and outdoor activities flourish. See what to bring with you during this month.
What to expect in these months:
Malta Weather in June - "Just about right" humid and warm. Find what to get with you on your holiday in June.
Malta Weather July - Hot!, highest peak for tourists and lots of village feasts.
Weather In Malta August - Extremely Hot...Santa Maria week...the most popular holiday for the Maltese. Find out what to do and pack for your August holiday.
What to expect in these months:
Weather In Malta September - Still warm, expect the first storm and school start at the end of the month.
Malta Weather October - Warm days, rain to expected and the start of autumn. Find what to expect during October.
Malta In November - What is it like in November? Temperatures are getting fresh, start of Christmas preparations. Find out what to pack and what to do.
Our yearly average rainfall is 600 mm (24 inches).
From year to year it varies and we have had extremes of 1031.2mm (40.6 inches) one year to a very dry year of only 191.3mm (7.5 inches).
The rain mostly falls between October and March being autumn and winter. This represents around eighty-five percent of the total yearly rainfall.
The length of the dry season is longer than that of the wet season.
The two usually hottest months of the year are July and August.
The dry period starts from April to September. This does not mean that in between there is no rain, but this is scarce. There is also the occasional storm, but the weather changes quickly.
The humidity is always high near 65-80% and this is due to being an island. It rarely falls below 40%.
Summer temperatures are high and can be rather irritating, especially during August and September. During the night the temperature together with the humidity are unbearable. Using ceiling fans and air conditioning is very common.
However, since humidity is rather high due to the proximity to the sea, summer temperatures can feel annoying, so staying in direct sunlight can be unbearable.
Winds are strong and frequent. The most common are the cool northwesterly (in Maltese majjistral).
Dry weather comes from the northeasterly wind. In Maltese we call it grigal or gregale.
The hot humid weather comes from the southeasterly wind. In Maltese it is xlokk, or sirocco.
Because of these winds, only around 8% of the yearly days are wind free.
The prominent wind is the northwesterly, which on average blows on 19% of windy days. The remaining percentage is almost equally divided by the other winds.
There are various times during the year when we get three consecutive windy days with strong gale force winds. These winds are most common and come from the northwest, which is the most common wind. Or also from the northeast. This wind brings with it stormy and sometimes severe weather.
Summer is extremely hot. Very sunny, dry and warm with an average of over twelve hours a day of sun light. Due to summer time change where we add one hour in advance and the increase of daylight both in the morning and evening, heralds the of summer. By April this is evident and the days start warming up.
May and October are also between 20ºC (68ºF) to 25ºC (77ºF) as average temperatures. But temperatures peak up for sever days up to 27ºC to 30ºC (47ºF to 49ºF).
June and September are normally between 25ºC (77ºF) to 30ºC (86ºF). But temperatures peak up for several days up to 35ºC (51ºF).
July and August the highest with temperatures usually above 32ºC (50ºF) as an average but the temperatures for many days are much higher up to 35ºC (95ºF), even 40ºC (54ºF) occasionally.
Winter is not that heavy. It is considered as mild is normally mild with few occasions of cold weather.
So the Maltese climate is very sunny with an average of five to six hours of sunshine a day in midwinter
Maltese winters are mild and the cold weather comes from north and northeastern wind coming over from central Europe. On average the temperature is 10ºC (50ºF) and does not fall much less but there are occasions when it does. February 2012 coldest day of the year 4ºC (32ºF).
The remaining months not mentioned in the summer section; January to April.
From the coldest period to the weather getting more arm, 8ºC up to 20ºC (36ºF up to 43ºF). October to December 26ºC down to 16ºC (46ºF down to 41ºF). These temperatures are averages.
Day temperatures almost never fall below 10ºC (50ºF). There are occasions when it is windy and the weather feels colder.
Night temperatures never fall below 0ºC (32ºF). Hence, snow never falls in Malta. Our type of climate does not permit any snow formation but we do get hail sometimes.
These islands are ideal for a winter sun holiday.
You may now be curious of what is for you if you come here during any particular season. A list of things to do while here will further guide you of what happens during the year.
Maltese weather details are ideal for those who wish to settle away from endless rainy days and love the hot sunny days of a typical Mediterranean country.
The most popular Malta weather website is
The weather in Malta is moderate. As long as you prepare yourself for the hot or for the cold weather you will surely enjoy your holiday in Malta and in Gozo. All the information we provide is to make you aware and be prepared to enjoy your holiday to the full.
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