valletta harbour cruise

Tour The Best Natural Harbours On The Island

What an amazing experience to see two natural harbours of Marsamxett and the Grand Harbour surrounded by magnificent fortifications cruising in every creek with a detailed running commentary about Malta's history of Valletta and the Three Cities of L'Isla, Birgu and Bormal.

Most of the fortifications were built by the Knights of St. John to withstand the Ottoman Empire and the British forces to withstand the World War ll airial attacks.

An incredible perspective at sea level to see these massive limestone fortifications and their cities within and surrounding including the present harbour activities of our time.

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What You Need To Know About The Tour

Find tickets for the Valletta Harbour Cruise Malta

>Availability and Tickets

  • You can find information about the tour, including pricing and availability, here.

Quick Info About The Tour

  • The tour around the ports is 1 hour 30 minutes long.
  • Departure and return from the same location at Sliema Ferries.

What Is Included

  • The Valletta Harbour cruise

When Do Tours take place?

For better clarification check in the booking calendar while booking.

  • Cruises happen daily all throughout the year.

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eTicket (mobile ticket) is available.

What You Will See On The Tour

Cruise around the natural ports where you see the towns of Gzira, Ta’ Xbiex, Msida with the marina along the beach. The Marina, around the Valletta bastions and Lower Barakka Gardens.

On the other side of the harbour the historical Three Cities of L'Isla (Citta Invicta) better known as Senglea, Birgu (Citta' Vittoriose) and Bormla (Citta' Cospicual). All names give by the Knights of St. John. Here lies Fort St. Angelo today a massive fort that was enlarged by the Knights of St John even more fortified after the great siege.

On the Marsamxett port side see the island in the middle with a large imposing fortification named for the Grand Master Manoel de Vilhema who financed its building.

The Valletta fortification completely surrounding the capital are imposingly visible from both ports.

Why Go On The Tour

  • An unforgettable experience touring unique natural harbours that influenced the history of Malta and of Europe.
  • A short tour which can be easily incorporated with your holiday schedule.
  • Embarcation from a very central location of the Sliema Ferries which is reachable by public transport very easily.
  • The opportunity to learn about the mighty and heroic history of the Maltese and the powers who where here from time to time.
  • Malta in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea was always part of much bigger importance to their conquerors. Although small Malta was part of the Mediterranean history that shaded this region.  

Secure payments guaranteed

Enter 'maltainfoguide' in coupon box to get 5% discount.
eTicket (mobile ticket) is available.

A Little History On The Ports

These natural ports have been attractive to many mariners and conqueror due to their natural sheltered creaks.

The Great Siege of 1565

This brought with it the biggest siege of 1565 where the KNights of ST. John were attacked by the mighty Ottoman Empire with the intension of destroying the knights and taking over these islands that are very strategically located to then attack Europe. For three months the knights and Maltese endured the siege but finally won.

The Battles of World War II

At the time the Maltese islands were under British rule. German and Italian air forces heavily bombarded the harbour areas and the surrounding towns. They had the intension of destroying the British military power where they kept the battleships and the dockyard within the harbour creaks. Many damaged vessels used to come from different part of the Mediterranean to be repaired.

In the first stages of the war the British army heavily armed the port area with many antiaircraft concrete bunkers to withstand the assault.    

The Maltese endured all this and where they showed great courage where Malta was awarded the George Cross by King George VI.

More to know

Should I buy the tickets in advance? Yes why not. It is better to have them in hand since this particular cruise is very popular and tickets are sold very quickly especially in high season. It is better to have the tickets in hand than go to the boat and remain disappointed.

Find tickets for the Valletta Harbour Cruise Malta

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