Valletta Church Mass Times
Catholic Church Mass Times | Ħin Tal-Quddies
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We bring you a complete list of Valletta church mass times and those of Floriana since it is so close by.
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This map will also help you locate the church you wish to go to. We show you the different mass languages and where they are.
All mass times are in Maltese but those in other languages, in English, Italian, French, German and Tagalog are held on Sundays & Feast days and are indicated by clicking on the preferred language.
We also provide the church street location, contact information, and Google map locator.
Most of the masses below are in Maltese unless indicated otherwise.
Valletta Cathedrals
St. John's Co-Cathedral | San Gwann
- Location: St. John Square
- Status: Co-Cathedral
- Contact: +356 2122 5639
- Email:
Summer Times:
- Monday to Friday: 08:30
- Saturday: 08:30, 18:00
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:45, 09:15 (Latin), 11:00, 18:00
Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 08:30
- Saturday: 08:30, 18:00
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:45, 09:15 (Latin) 11:00, 18:00
More information about St. John's Co-Cathedral click here
St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral
- Location: West Street, Valletta
- Status: Pro-Cathedral
- Contact: +356 21225714
- Email:
Summer & Winter Mass Times:
- Monday: 11:00 - English (excluding August)
Weekend Services Times:
Parish Churches Valletta
St. Paul Shipwrecked | San Pawl Nawfragu
- Location: St. Paul’s Street
- Status: Parish Church
- Contact: +356 2122 3348
- Email:
Summer Times:
- Monday to Friday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 12:40, 18.30
- Saturday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 18.15
- Sunday & Feast Days: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:45, 18:00
Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 12:40, 18.00
- Saturday: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 18.00
- Sunday & Feast Days: 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:45, 18:00
St. Augustine | Santu Wistin
- Location: Old Bakery Street
- Status: Parish Church
- Contact: +356 2123 8861
- Email:
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 06:00, 07:10, 09:30, 19:15
Weekend Mass Times:
- Saturday: 06:00, 07:10, 09:30, 19:15
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:30, 09:30, 10:45, 19:15
Church of Our Lady of Fair Havens & St. Dominic | Madonna tal-Porto Salvo u San Duminku
- Location: St. Dominic Street
- Status: Parish Church
- Contact: +356 2124 7535
- Email:
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:00, 08:30, 18:15
- Saturday: 07:00, 08:30, 18:15
- Sunday & Feast Days: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30, 17:15
Basilicas in Valletta
Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Madonna tal-Karmnu
- Location: Theatre Street
- Status: Basilica
- Contact: +356 2123 3808
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 18:30
- Saturday: 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 18:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 11:00, 18:30
Church of Our Lady of Victory | Madonna tal-Vitorja
- Location: South Street
- Status: Basilica
- Contact: +356 21245350
Summer & Winter Times:
Holy Cross | Santissimu Kurcifiss
- Location: St. Ursola Street
- Status: Basilica
- No masses are held at this church.
Malta Valletta Church Mass Times
St. Francis of Assisi | San Frangisk t’Assisi
- Location: Republic Street
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2123 4019
- Email:
Summer Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:00, 07:25, 08:00, 10:00, 17:30
- Saturday: 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 17:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:30
- Public Holidays (non Sunday): 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 17:30
Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:00, 07:25, 08:00, 10:00, 17:30
- Saturday: 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 17:15, 18:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:30
- Public Holidays (non Sunday): 07:00, 08:00, 10:00, 17:30
Presentation of Our Lady (St. Catherine) | Prezentazzjoni tal-Madonna (Santa Katarina)
- Location: Republic Street
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2122 1154
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:25
- Saturday & Sunday: 07:25
Our Lady of Damascus | Madonna ta’ Damask
- Street: Archbishop Street
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2123 7872
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:30
- Saturday: 07:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 09:00 - Greek
Christ the Redeemer (Sacramentini) | Gesu' Redentur (is-Sagramentini)
- Location: Christopher Street
- Status: Church
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 06:15
- Saturday: 06:15
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:15
St. James | San Gakbu
- Location: Merchant Street
- Status: Church
Summer & Winter Times:
- - Monday to Friday: 12:05
- - Saturday: 12:05
- - Sunday: 11:00 - Arabic
Circumcision of the Lord (Jesuts’ Church) | Cirkoncizzjoni tal-Mulej (Tal-Gizwiti)
- Location: Merchant Street
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2722 1241
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 10:00, 12:00
Weekend Mass Times:
- Saturday: 10:00, 12:00, 18:45
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:45, 08:45, 10:30, 12:00
St. Nicholas | San Nikola (Tal-Erwieh)
- Location: Merchant Street
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2123 6013
Summer & Winter Times:
St. Catherine d’Italia | Santa Caterina d’Italia
- Location: Victory Square
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2291 5440
- Email:
Weekend Mass Times:
St. Mary of Jesus | Santa Marija Ta’ Gesu (Ta’ Giezu)
- Location: San Gwann
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2123 4042
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:15, 11:00, 18:15
Weekend Mass Times:
- Saturday: 07:15, 11:00, 18:15
- Sunday & Feast Days: 8:30, 10:00, 11:00
St. Lucy | Santa Lucia
- Location: Lvant Street
- Status: Church
Weekend Mass Times:
St. Barbara | Santa Barbara
- Location: Republic Street
- Status: Church
- Contact: +356 2165 1057
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 11:00
- Saturday: 11:00
- Sunday & Feast Days: 10:00 (French), 11:00 (German), 12:00 (English), 17:30 (English)
St. Mary Magdalen | Santa Marija Maddalena
- Address: Merchants Street
- Status: Church
- No masses are held at this church.
Malta Valletta Chapels
Saint Ursola | Sant’ Ursola
- Location: St. Ursula Street
- Status: Chapel
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 06:45
- Saturday: 06:45
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:00
- Public Holidays (non Sunday): 06:45
Blessed Virgin of Liesse, Liesse Hill | Vergni Mqaddsa ta’ Notre Dame ta’ Liesse
- Location: Liesse Hill
- Status: Chapel
- Contact: +356 2148 7142
Summer Times:
- Saturday: 17:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 08:00, 09:30
Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 08:00, 12:30
- Saturday: 17:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 08:00, 09:30
St. Roque | Santu Rokku
- Location: St. Ursola Street
- Status: Chapel
- There are no masses held at this church.
Our Lady of Pilar | Madonna tal-Pilar
- Location: Triq il-Punent
- Status: Chapel
- No masses are held at this church.
Assumptiom of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven | Santa Marija (Vergni Mbierka)
- Location: Archbishop Street
- Status: Chapel
- No masses are held at this church.
Floriana Churches
St. Publius | San Publiju
- Location: Il-Fosos
- Status: Parish Church
- Contact: +356 2124 7106
- Email:
Summer Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 18:30
- Saturday: 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 18:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:30, 17:30
Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:00, 07:45, 09:00, 18:30
- Saturday: 07:00, 07:45, 09:00, 18:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:30, 17:30
Immaculate Conception of Our Lady (Ta' Sarria) | Kunċiżżjoni Immakulata (Ta’ Sarria)
- Location: Sarria Street
- Status: Church
Summer Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:00
- Saturday: 07:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:30, 08:30, 11:00 (English)
Winter Times:
- Monday to Friday: 07:10, 12:35
- Saturday: 07:30
- Sunday & Feast Days: 07:30, 08:30, 11:00 (English)
Flight of the Holy Family into Egypt | Harba tal-Familja Mqaddsa lejn l-Egittu
- Location: Valletta Waterfront
- Status: Church
Summer & Winter Times:
Our Lady of Lourdes | Madonna Ta’ Lourdes
- Location: FS Fenech Street
- Status: Chapel
Summer & Winter Times:
- Monday to Saturday: 08:30
Our Lady of Manresa | Madonna ta' Manresa
- Location: Archbishop's Curia
- Status: Chapel
- Contact: +356 2124 1281
- Email:
Summer & Winter Times:
Please Note:
- Mass is held at 18:00 every 24 July on the feast of San Calcedonius.
- There is no mass on public holidays.
St. Michael the Archangel | San Mikiel Arkanġlu
- Location: Headquarters of the Police (Kwartieri Ġenerali tal-Puliżija), Misraħ San Kalċidonju
- Status: Chapel
- Contact: +356 2122 4001
- Email:
Summer & Winter Times:
- Sunday & Feast Days: 09:00
Map of Churches
Map colour Codes:
- Cathedral: Red
- Parish Church: Blue
- Basilica: Brown
- Church: Green
- Chapel: Yellow
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By Albert and Benjamin Magro