Date Last Updated: 30th April 2024
Are there speed cameras in Malta?
There are twenty-five (25) Malta road speed cameras located in various areas. Be aware of the signs along the roads showing you where they are. But be aware as they can crop up in unexpected places.
The speed limit varies according to locations. Speed cameras have been set up and located in such roads to reduce the speeding of drivers. Bear in mind that our roads are short, narrow and winding.
Click here for exact location of speed cameras Malta on Google Maps
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You will recieve a letter from LESA by post around 3 days after. It is important that you make sure that the letter is given to the person who is registered on that car. If for some reason another insured driver on that particular car was driving and received a fine, the penalty wil fall on the main driver registered to the car.
If you receive a letter of another person who you do not know it is important that you call LESA and tell them about the mistake.
You have seven (7) days to pay the penalty or else you will be taken up by the Regional tribunal in accordance with the Commissioners for justice act.
Apart from the letter, attached is another paper showing prove of the violation.
With many speed cameras in Malta it is hard to remember which speed you are supposed to be driving at. Before each camera there is the speed indicated beforehand. You only see a black camera on the road signs. The above list is divided according to speed limit to help you remember.
At Mriehel bypass the speed is indicated by using the national speed limit sign (round white sign with a diagonal solid black line).
What Are The Speed Limits In Malta?
What Is The National Speed Limit In Malta?
80km/h or 50mph
Where Are Speed Cameras Malta Mostly Found?
They are all found on main roads.
How Will I Know When A Speed Camera Is Approaching?
There will be a square sign with a black camera on a white background before you reach the camera.
Do You Get Point Deductions On Your License When You Get A Speeding Ticket?
If you over-speed and get a fine through the speed cameras you will be penalized between 3 - 6 points on your license.
What Are The Speed Camera Penalty Points In Malta?
Click here for the speed camera road penalty points system in Malta.
What Is The Speed Camera Tolerance?
What Are The Fines For Excessive Speed?
Are There Speed Cameras In Gozo?
No, there aren't speed cameras in Gozo.
Are There Roads Where You Can Legally Exceed 80km/H?
Are Speed Guns Used In Malta And What Are The Fines?
What Is It Like To Drive In Malta?
You can see our driving in Malta page then come back and read more.
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