Public Holidays in malta 2025

It's Time To Plan Your Leave For 2025

The public holidays in Malta and national holidays list for 2025.

This guide will go through all Malta's official 2025 public holidays (festi pubblici)festi Maltin (Maltese Feasts), bank holidays, government holidays, non-working national holidays and any other important dates such as Mother's Day and Father's DayEaster Week and Black Friday.

They commemorate specific events that marked dramatic change in our history either religious or historical events. They are mostly linked to the Malta village religious feasts dating back to several years of traditions.

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Official Public Holidays In Malta List 2025

how many public holidays are there in malta?

There are 14 public holidays annually across Malta and Gozo. This is all according to the Chapter 252 of the Laws on Malta entitled "The National Holidays and Other Public Holidays Act" - See Source 1

According to the above law, effective 1st January 2021, any national or public holiday that falls on a weekend, is still considered as a public holiday and an individual entitled to such vacation leave may also take an additional day of leave per year.

How many days of leave are there in Malta?

For a full time employee working a 40-hour week, they are entitled to 192 hours of basic leave entitlement (24 Days) and an additional number of hours depending on the number of public holidays during the years that fall during the weekend. - See Source 2

For 2025, there will be 4 public holidays which will fall on a weekend so an additional 32 hours need to be added with the basic leave entitlement.

Total number of leave days will amount to 28 Days (24 + 4)

Total number of leave hours will amount to 224 Hours (192 + 32)

New Year's Day - 1st January

New Year's Day in Malta falls on a Wednesday in 2025.

It's the beginning of a new year where the Maltese have lunch at a local restaurant or at their families. Most gatherings happen at tea time were relatives meet at each other.

The Maltese greet each other on this day by saying Happy New Year (English) or Is-Sena T-Tajba(Maltese).

Feast Of St. Paul's Shipwreck - 10th February

St. Paul's Feast falls on a Monday in 2025.

It is said and mentioned in the Catholic bible that St. Paul landed in Malta on his way to Rome during a heavy storm back to A.D. 60.

This is a public holiday where the shops and offices are closed. The Maltese chose this day as a remembrance of his visit.

Feast Of St. Joseph - 19th March

St. Joseph's Feast falls on a Wednesday in 2025.

19th March is a special day in Malta and other countries celebrating the feast.

The village of Rabat is highly decorated with lights, colourful banners and lit up column lanterns.

Many parishes around the island celebrate this feast with special liturgy and mass at their respective parish churches and hold processions around the village streets.

Freedom Day - 31st March

Public Holidays In Malta

Freedom Day falls on a Monday in 2025.

This is an official National holiday.

This important milestone was achieved during 1979 when the complete withdrawal of the British troops and Royal Navy marines left the island.

For so many centuries the islands were dominated by many foreign countries.

A Regatta is held every year on this day in Birgu.

Regatta in Birgu on Freedom Day Public Holiday in MaltaRegatta in Birgu on Freedom Day

Good Friday In Malta

Good Friday will be celebrated on Friday 18th April 2025.

Il-Ġimgħa il-Kbira forms part of the Easter Holy Week, very special for all devout Roman Catholics.

The Good Friday processions are very elaborate with statues and many individuals from the respective villages take part in the processions dressed in period costumes. There are 21 processions in Malta and Gozo to choose which to attend.

Worker's Day - 1st May

Worker's Day falls on a Thursday in 2025.

Also known as International Workers Day, in certain countries is also called Labour Day or even May Day.

On 1st May Malta celebrates the commemoration of when it joined the European Union (EU) in 2004.

The village of Birkirkara celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph on 1st May.

Sette Giugno - 7th June

Sette Giugno Holiday will fall on Saturday in 2025.

This is an official National holiday.

A commemoration of the riots by the Maltese during the British rule that took place on 7th June 1919. After World War l, there were price hikes which angered the workers and subsequently riots.

Sette Guigno is an Italian words translated in 7th June since at the time the Italian language had a prominence.

Feast Of St. Peter & St. Paul - 29th June

This feast falls on a Sunday in 2025.

It is more of a pleasure feast than a religious one. It takes place at the Buskett gardens on the outskirts of Rabat where there are exhibitions by farmers and heardsmen.

Fruits and vegetable stand in Buskett for Imnarja public holiday Malta.Imnarja Malta

Feast Of The Assumption Of Our Lady - 15th August

Santa Maria will fall on a Friday in 2025.

It is highly celebrated at the peak of the summer season. Eight village feasts celebrated together and also a public holiday culminating in many shutdowns during the days of August.

Feast Of Our Lady Of Victories - 8th September

This feast will fall on a Monday in 2025.

This is an official National holiday.

It is a celebration for three specific victories.

When the Knights of St. John won the great battle, the rebellion against the French occupation of Malta and when Italy during World War ll surrendered at the end of 1943.

The traditional regatta (boat races) are held every year on this day where villages around the port area compete between them within the Grand Harbour which is well attended.

Independence Day - 21st September

Independence Day Malta will fall on a Sunday in 2025.

This is an official National holiday.

After so many centuries of domination, the Maltese succeeded to acquire with so much sacrifice the Independence from the British Empire.

The Maltese flag was raised for the first time as its national flag. The celebrations were held at the Independence Arena, Floriana.

From this day, Malta became an independent state as a Constitutional Monarchy. The Queen of England Elizabeth ll became the head of state.

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception - 8th December

This feasts will fall on a Monday in 2025.

One parish in particular celebrate the Immaculate Conception feast at Birgu.

Through time it has become a public holiday in Malta like many other countries around the world.

On the other hand, Christmas is close and many take the opportunity to start decorating their houses and buying present.

Republic Of Malta Day - 13th December

This feast will fall on a Saturday in 2025.

This is an official National holiday.

The island of Malta became a republic in 1979. Until then, the Head of State for Malta was the Queen of England. In further negotiations with the British government, Dom Mintoff, as Prime Minister, and the Labour Party, the Maltese achieved complete independence.

Gieh ir-Repubblika is the annual honouring ceremony at the President’s palace Valletta where important distinguished persons and even foreigner who have contributed and honoured the Maltese people.

Christmas Day - 25th December

When Is Christmas Day? Thursday 2025.

It is the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is so special here. The streets are filled with Christmas carols, decorations and celebrations.

You will notice that the island is quieter than usual during this day as it is the time for the family to gather for Sunday Lunch at each other's houses or restaurants.

Republic street Valletta decorated for Christmas in Malta.Republic Street Valletta

Other Major Yearly Feasts

Epiphany, Christian Religious Feast

The Epiphany will fall on Monday 6th January 2025.

This day is celebrated on a Sunday instead on the official day as around fifty years ago it was removed from the national public holiday list and became a normal working day.

The Epiphany is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God the son as a human being in Jesus Christ. It is the conclusion of the Christmas festivities.

Carnival Malta

When is Carnival in Malta? Friday 28th February to Tuesday 4th March 2025

program of events are organised in Valletta and in several villages around the island. It is also held in Victoria and Nadur Gozo.

Is carnival a public holiday? The day is not a public holiday, but it is midterm for students at school and they have a few days of vacation, generally ending on the last of carnival.

The Maltese are very enthusiastic for these days where many prepare for many months before, especially those who participate in the defiles with grotesque floats and elaborate costumes.

Floats in Valletta for Carnival in Malta.Floats in Valletta

Valentines Day - 14th February

Valentines Day falls on a Friday in 2025.

It is known to be the most romantic day of the year. It is day where many people give or receive present of cards, flowers, jewellery.

Ash Wednesday - Ras Ir Randan 2025

When is Ash Wedensday? Wednesday 5th March 2025.

It is the day of repentance. It indicates the start of Lent. It always falls after the last day of carnival which is Tuesday. 

In Maltese it is called - L-Erbgħa tar-Randan or Ras ir-Randan.

It is a normal working day for everyone including schools are open. All entertainment establishments are open as every other day.

Palm Sunday

When is Palm Sunday? Sunday 13th April 2025

Palm Sunday is always the Sunday before Easter. It is the commemoration of the arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem where palm branches were places in his way while entering the city.

It marks the beginning of the Holy Week which is the last week of Lent.

By this day, all churches are decorated for the Holy Week. All procession statues are displayed. If you will be in Malta but unable to attend the Good Friday processions, you can still see the statues during the opening times of the churches.

Easter Sunday

When is Easter? Sunday 20th April 2025

Easter Sunday is a very well celebrated day where it is the day of the risen Christ. Many parishes celebrate a procession with the statue of the risen Christ around the streets of the village. There are those who make the runs with the statue from corner to corner of the next street.

It is a tradition on the islands to celebrate lunch with the family where they are all gathered all together and have lunch.

Bank Holiday

Easter Bank Holiday will be held on Monday 21st April 2025

Is Easter Sunday a public holiday? During this day, it is not a public holiday which means all services operate as usual except the bank services.

Since it is the day after Easter, schools will be closed as they will still be on holiday.

Mother's Day Malta 2025

When is Mother's Day? Sunday 11th May 2025

This day is always celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

During this day families get together for Sunday lunch either at home or at a restaurant.

It is the day where cards, flowers and present are offered to mothers.

Ascension Day

When is Ascension Day? Thursday 29th May 2025

Ascension Day is exactly the 40th day after Easter or else 39 days after Easter Sunday.

Before the 1970's, it was a public holiday, but after the government removed it, the church celebration was moved to the following Sunday.

On this day it is commemorated the physical departure of Jesus from Earth by being taken up body and soul to Heaven to re-join God the Father. This is according to Christian belief.

Pentecost Day

When is Pentecost? Sunday 8th June 2025

Pentecost is celebrated in the Christian Church as the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles ten days after the celebration of Ascension Day. It is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter each year.

Father's Day Malta 2025

When is Father's day in Malta? Sunday 15th June 2025

It is always celebrated on the third Sunday of June.

Father's Day is a celebration to honour the responsibility of fathers and forefathers.

The Maltese celebrate this day by going out to eat and meeting family members. It is also customary to pay a visit to their father's at the cemeteries  where they are open for the general public.

Halloween - 31st October

Halloween will fall on Friday in 2025.

Is Halloween a public holiday? No it is not a public holiday nor a national holiday.

Many locals dress up with costumes and take round their kids trick or treating from house to house. 

Many parties are now being organized for big gatherings of youths at various clubs across the island.

All Saints' Day - 1st November

This day will fall on a Saturday in 2025.

The month of November is synonymous with the feasts of All Saint’s day and All Soul’s day.

On 1st November the Catholic Church commemorates those saints which are recognised and unrecognised.

All Souls' Day

This day will fall on a Sunday in 2025.

The 2nd November is the day where all Christians remember their loved ones who have passed away.

Each year the month of November is dedicated to the dead and so all cemeteries open their doors for the general public to pay respect and visit their loved ones to leave flowers and light candles on their graves.

Black Friday Malta 2025

When is Black Friday in Malta? Friday 28th November 2025

Black Friday has been with us for a number of years. Today sales are not only on this day but are extended over all week.

This day also means crowds, queues, standing up long enough to get tired and not least traffic jams. People go round days before to notice prices of products they are interested to buy then on Black Friday they just go for them.

Bank Holiday - Boxing Day Malta

When Is The Bank Holiday? Friday 26th December 2025

During this day, it is not a public holiday which means all services operate as usual except the bank services.

Since it is the day after Christmas, schools will be closed as they will still be on holiday.

Public holidays in Malta is a useful information page about our Maltese feasts and other celebrated days.

resources and other information

  1. Chapter 252 of the Laws on Malta
  2. Malta Leave Entitlement

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