Game of Thrones in malta
All Film Locations On The Island Of Malta And Gozo
Game of Thrones in Malta was one of the countries chosen to film this extraordinary series. In fact, 'Game of Thrones' is one of the most talked series ever.
They chose several localities and known points of interest to be used to film this series. Villages from the old capital of Malta Mdina, to today's capital Valletta, several forts on the Grand Harbour and old historic palazzos.
All movie stills are copyrighted by HBO
7 Epic Things To Do In Malta In 1 Day
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table of contents - gOT Film Locations
the game of thrones in malta tour
You can tour these sites by yourself, but it will probably be cumbersome and you will have no guide to give you precious information about the site itself and the events that surround it.
We suggest a local tour that is guided by experienced persons who were involved in the production as extras. Have a look at the details and decide for yourself if it is a good idea for a guided tour.
WARNING! We wish to bring your attention that this Game of Thrones filming guide contains spoilers/references to scenes from Season 1, all of them filmed in Malta and Gozo, so if you have not yet watched the series you might prefer to enjoy reading this page after having seen it.
Game Of Thrones Filming Locations You Visit
The islands of Malta and Gozo were the prime locations where the majority of Season 1 was shot. According to the Times of Malta shooting in Malta was for 37 days spread over six weeks between September and November 2010 with a budget of around €5.5 million. 267 crew were engaged through local filming and 900 locals took part as extras.
San Anton Palace - Garden of King's Landing
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 03,04,05,07 & 08
San Anton Gardens © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- The first scene of the series filmed in these very
gardens on the 8th June 2010 apart from other scenes which were within the palace courtyard. They were the Gardens of Kings Landing, Red Keep Stables, Septa Mordane decapitation and the Tower of the Hand.
- Another scene filmed here was where Ned Stark is informed that his long-time friend Robert Baratheon played by
Mark Ally that he had died following the hunting incident.
details about san anton palace
- Today this palace is used as the residence of the president of the Republic of Malta. Its original building dates back to 1623.
- It is surrounded with gardens, part of which are open to the public.
Mdina Gate & Entrance – King’s Landing
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 03 - "Lord Snow"
Mdina Gate © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- The popular
King's Gate has been filmed at the bridge crossing from Rabat to Mdina. From
this gate you enter King’s Landing. Then from inside the gate, the scene of the welcoming of
Roderick Cassel and Catelyn Stark.
- The second shot
is the conspiracy scene when Ned Stark sends out his wife Catelyn to help her
sister Lysa Arryn to rally in the knights of the vale. The third one where Ned
Stark and Catelyn hug and kiss for the last time before his premature beheading.
information about mdina in malta
- Mdina is a medieval walled city with narrow streets, palaces, museums and churches retains till today a charming atmosphere.
- It is one of the best attractions and most visited tourist location.
- It was the first capital of Malta until the Knights of St. John arrived in 1530.
Azure Window – Dothraki wedding scenes
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 01 – “Winter Is Coming”
Azure Window Gozo © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- The
Game of Thrones has immortalized this iconic window in its series to put up the Dothraki Wedding for Daenerys and Khal Drogo.
information about azure window
- The Azure Window natural limestone arch was that natural beauty that attracted so many tourists and locals. In 2017 during a heavy storm the arch gave way and fell completely in the deep sea.
- This was a tragic event for the Maltese people but did not detract them from visiting this location of Dwejra which is unique for its natural beauties that it offers.
- Today, as much before, it is a heaven for underwater diving especially the Blue Hole dive where you emerge into open sea after a descent. There you can see the remains of the Azur Window piled up on each other apart from stunning natural rock formations, including plenty of marine life.
Saint Dominic's Convent - Red Keep Courtyard
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 07 - "You Win Or You Die"
St. Dominic Convent Rabat © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- The priory garden
was used as the Red Keep courtyard in episode seven, Ned Sark challenges Cersei
about her incest with her brother Jaime and the true parentage of their
children. Cersei’s reply to Ned "When you play the Game Of Thrones, you
win or you die" comes her the prophetic response. This is the fourth most popular quote of Game of Thrones.
- It is worth to
note that in all throughout the eight seasons the phrase "Game of Thrones" was only
mentioned once and at this filming location.
information about Saint Dominic's Convent
- Saint Dominic's convent is located in Rabat.
- Saint Dominic’s priory dates back to 1457 and is a ten minutes walk from Mdina.
- The central spacious courtyard, where the filming took place, is surrounded with an arched colonnade which gives it an impressive look.
- The only location in the world where there are five sun dials.
Mesquita Square Mdina – Cobblers Square
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 03 & 05 - "Lord Snow", "The Wolf and The Lion"
Mesquita Square Mdina © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- At this location, it is famous for the Little Finger’s Brothel where the working
ladies stood on the terrace.
- Ned Stark and Petyr Baelish exit to find the Lannister
Army arriving.
- This is where the sword fight took place and where Petyr Baelish got
killed and Ned Stark got injured.
information about mesquita square
- It is one of the squares inside Mdina. Despite being a prominent filming location, it is very popular with tourists. It is quite quiet and pretty.
- People also come here for The Mdina Experience, which is suitable for children and adults, an audio-visual about the mystery of the old capital.
- The Don Mesquita restaurants, nice, cozy and delicious dishes and good wines. The Café Taverna for best coffees and pastry.
- It has a wonderful century old feel. Worth exploring and taking photos! Come here to unwind.
Mtahleb Cliffs – Red Waste
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 09,10 - "Baelor", "Fire And Blood"
Mtahleb Cliffs © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- At Mtahleb cliffs
overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. This is where Khar Drogo collapses and
Daenerys and her 40,000 Dothraki army arrive and camp. (Season 01 Episode 09)
- Here is the part known as the Red Waste. This is where Daenerys Stormborn built her
funeral pyre and where Mirri Maz Duur was burnt alive. (Season 01 Episode 10)
- Another scene
where Sir Jorah tries to convince Daenerys not to walk into the fire. Game of Thrones was the first series to use this location for filming.
information about mtahleb cliffs
- Tourists rarely visit Mtahleb cliffs. It is only visited by this tour. Although Malta is well developed, you can still find secluded rural areas where life stood still forever.
- You can only find a few farmhouses, or villas spread over a wide area. It is around four kilometres from Rabat and close by you find Dingli cliffs, a very popular destination for sunset photos.
verdala palace - Illyrio Mopatis’ Pentos palace
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 01 – “Winter Is Coming”
Verdala Palace © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- Illyrio gives shelter to Daenerys and her brother Viserys at his palace. Viserys Targaryen hands Daenery's (bride-to-be) a gift from Illyrio.
- Here is where Daenery meets Khal Drogo for the first time in the garden of Illyrio Mopatis’ Pentos Palace before they get married.
- This marriage is an exchange for an army by the Dothrakis to give Viserys the power on the Iron Throne.
information about verdala palace
- Verdala Palace was originally a hunting lodge for the Knights of St. John Grand Masters until 1586 when during the reign of Hugues Loubenx de Verdalle he built it in the form we see it today.
- A very imposing military structure with a ditch around it. It still keeps its original countryside beauty surrounded by nature trees. The Buskett gardens were purposely created for hunting where it enjoys great views of the island.
- You can see part of it by walking within the Buskett garden, but you can get a better view if you go through a side road adjacent to the palace along its outside perimeter.
- From the outside of the iron gate, you can see it and take photos. Walking further down these quiet country roads, you can get a great view for photos. It is always closed to the public. Today it serves as the official summer residence of the President of Malta.
Rinella Battery/Fort Ricasoli – red keep
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 03 - “Lord Snow” & 05 "The Wolf and the Lion"
Fort Ricasoli © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- This location appears at the beginning of episode 3 where Lord Ned stark appears riding his horse into the Red keep.
- A young gentleman informs Lord Ned that Grand Maester Pycelle is requesting him to attend a meeting of the small council.
- On his way to the meeting, he bumps into Sir Jaime Lannister where they have a little bit of a heated conversation regarding the murder of Ned's father.
- Stag’s head was added on top of the gate after the filming by the use of digital manipulation.
information about fort rinella
- Fort Rinella is a Victorian style artillery battery built between 1878 and 1886 in limestone and concrete on the shores of Kalkara.
- It is popular for its unique single Armstrong 100-ton guns, being one of the two still surviving. It can engage in combat by firing a cannon ball 6.4 kilometres out at sea.
- In 1991 the dilapidated fort was passed into the care of Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna, the Malta Heritage Trust, where it was completely restored by volunteers and opened as a museum.
- Fort Ricasoli is location at the entrance on the east side of the Grand Harbour. It is a bastioned fort built by the Knights of St. John between 1670 and 1698 commanding the entrance of the Grand Harbour. It is considered as the largest fort in Malta and also in Europe.
- The fort is not accessible, but one can see it from the opposite side of the harbour from high vintage points. One can walk to the main entrance door from the village of Kalkara side along the seashore.
- The fort is leased by the Malta Film Commission used as a location for various films like Gladiators, Helen of Troy, and Agora.
fort manoel – ned's beheading
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 09 – “Baelor”, Possibly Episode 10
Fort Manoel © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- At this location, this episode left a tremendous impact emotionally because of Ned’s confession to treason and brutal beheading.
- Since this
happened at the beginning of the series, it was truly a shocking experience.
information about fort manoel
- Fort Manoel is located on a small island in Marsamxett Harbour, between the town of Gzira and on the other side of the harbour the Capital City Valletta.
- Built in 1726 by the Grandmaster of the Knights of Malta Antonio Manoel de Vilhena, a fine example of 18th century military engineering. During World War II, the British Royal Navy used this fort as a base where they had buildings on the main parade ground.
- During World War II, the Luftwaffe used to conduct the aerial bombing and succeeded to direct hit to the chapel of St. Anthony in the centre of the fort. Since 2006 the fort has been completely restored.
Fort St. Angelo in the city of Birgu – Red keep prison
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 05 - “The Wolf And The Lion”
Fort St. Angelo Birgu © HBO
what part of the series was filmed here
- They used the fort for Red Keep Prision and the Underground Chambers.
- Here
is where Arya ran after the cat, which entered into the dungeons underneath the
castle while putting into action her sword training.
- In these chambers, they imprisoned Ned Stark just before being beheaded at the Sept of Baelor.
information about Fort St. Angelo
- Fort St Angelo dominates the peninsula in the centre of the Grand Harbour. Clearly visible from all areas of the harbour but mostly from the Upper Barakka Gardens just opposite on a much higher level.
- This fort was originally built in the medieval period as a castle called the Castrum Maris. It is also known from a few remains that this location was a prominent place of worship during the ancient past with the construction of the temple of Astarte.
- The Knight of St. John upon arriving in Malta realised the importance of the peninsula with its strategic location where they reinforced it.
- During the three months siege against the Ottoman Empire the fort was their head quarters where they battled heavily. Afterwards during 1690 it was redesigned and built in the present form.
Tal-Qargħa, Manikata – Dothraki attack
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 08 - “The Pointy End”
Manikata © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- At tal-Qargħa, we see the Dothraki take over the village of sheep herders by attacking it. Daenery takes the initiative to protect the women in the tribe from the Dothraki attackers.
- Khal Drogo combats Mago where he brutally cuts his throat and kills him. During this fight, Khal gets injured.
information about manikata
- Manikata is a small village northwestern part of our island, very quiet surrounding by wide open landscape and views. Many families living here are farmers but in the last 20 years it saw a lot of development of apartments.
- The village church is dedicated to St. Joseph very modern concrete building designed by one of the most prominent architects on our island architect Richard England. They inaugurated it in 1974.
Eagle Street, Valletta
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 09 - “Baelor”
Eagle Street Valletta © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- In this
scene, poor Arya is seen catching a pigeon and twisting his neck to try to trade the pigeon for a loaf of bread, but doesn’t succeed.
- Immediately she sees
people running up the stairs where a boy tells her they are taking the Hand of
the Kind to the Sept of Baelor.
information about eagle street valletta
- Valletta is a must see for any new visitor to our islands. It is easy to visit Eagle Street at the far end of Old Bakery Street by asking or follow a guide book map.
- The Knights of St. John has built the capital city starting during 1566 and took 5 years to build the imposing perimeter of fortification involving 5000 works. Today, it is a World Heritage Site with many monuments to visit and see. Â
Villa Bulebin, Zebbug - brothel
Appearances In: Season 01 Episode 03 And 07 – "Lord Snow", "You Win Or You Die"
Villa Bulebin Zebbug © HBO
What Part Of The Series Was Filmed Here
- Villa Bulebin was used for the filming of the
inside scenes of the brothel while the exterior was shot in Mdina.
- The brothel
scene at the villa scene where Littlefinger is uneasily criticising the presentation of
two of his prostitute employees.
information about villa bulebin
- This villa is actually an 18th century palazzo at Triq il-Madonna, Ħaż-Żebbuġ built on two floors.
Malta as a Filming location – Facts and Figures
this HBO mega-series required a lot of input from many extras and several
filming locations spread across several countries. They were largely shot on-location
at Iceland, Northern Ireland, Croatia, Spain, Morocco and Malta. No one
imagined this series would instigate fans to travel across the world to
visit filming locations. The same thing happened to our islands.
the very beginning, this series was a popular novel series with most actors unknown
except for Sean Bean. No one imagined that after the eight series which was
aired during 2019 viewership shot to 19.3 million people from 207 countries.
Like Malta all the other filming locations have seen a surge in tourism from
people wanting to experience at first hand the filing locations.
can have a look further to the other country's locations through various links
directly to the sites, providing information about the film sets.
Click here to find out more about Game of Thrones series and cast.
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By Albert and Benjamin Magro